i don't claim to understand Nietzsche. He's confusing. His image of the madman on the street corner has stuck with me though.
There is something ironic, tragic, and sobering about someone who has something so profound to say, provides such a strong indictment on his culture, and is so passionate about his message that he screams it from the streets... and no one hears him.
This blog intends (in no where near as profound a sense) to be observations, critiques, and musing on the current culture, trends, and oddities of daily life as I experience it. The madman fits because... well... we'll see if anyone hears. Either way, I will scream from my proverbial street corner.
I am not a prophet and I don't pretend to have anything to say that will change the world forever. I do hope to provide some entertainment and be thought provoking if at all possible... we'll see.
Clarification: God is not dead. I am an evangelical Protestant and this blog will reflect those convictions. Nietzsche intended to explain that human advancement had caused man to forget about God creating a spiral into nihilism. He was warning people to take notice of where they were heading... you know what just read about it on wikipedia.*
The Wikipedians provide very helpful insight if you want more explanation on "death of God" theology or Nietzsche's madman in his writings: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_is_dead
this is the final boring blog I will post. I promise.
*i'm not a big fan of wikipedia. But i'm tired of doing research and this section seemed to be well informed as far as I can tell.