Saturday, September 6, 2008

Apathy City

I wanted to conduct a social experiment. I wanted to find out if anyone in this city cared about anyone else. I was going to be the bait, every person I walked past was going to be my test subject.
I did not want dramatic acts of heroism. I just wanted a smile, a nod, even for someone just to look me in the eye... just to acknowledge my existence as a human being.
No one smiled, no one nodded, hardly anyone looked me in the eye, and a few people nearly ran into me had I not noticed them first and moved out of their way.

I was disappointed.

A self-righteous disappointment. These masses, so caught up in their own lives, too narcissistic to care about anyone else but themselves, so wrapped up in their own lives that they didn't care about anyone else's broke my heart.
As I arrived at this "holy realization" I was simultaneously stepping over the third homeless person I had passed that night.
No eye contact, no nod, no smile, no help. They might as well have not been there at all.
And I realized that I didn't care about them really either, nor any other person I had passed and judged. Sure I tried smiling, but I cared little for their life, their pain, their hopes, their eternity. I didn't care about them, I cared only about whether or not they cared about me.

And I was disappointed.

I don't know.

Maybe its something they're putting in the water...


Anonymous said...

i sppreciated this.

it's weird but i think everyone
has this button inside of them,
allowing to either turn on or off
affection//the ability to care.

i guess that's why the Golden Rule
is so powerful ... and why "they
will know that we are Christians by
our love" ... if we left the ability
to love up to ourselves, we'd be
hopeless ... i don't mean to sound
corny, but the love of Christ
should leave us no excuse but to
love those around us ...

i guess the question know is how
do we show that love ...

Nancye said...

Wow, Ty, a challenging thought. I must ponder as I sleep. Keep writing, bro.