Sunday, October 12, 2008

the writing on the wall: philosophy is like a flying gold fish

I took this picture on my phone on the subway in Boston a few months back. The poster advertises that philosophy, particularly that provided by Philosophy Works, is able to set you free and think clearly.
Fair enough...
Its a nice idea.
But its ridiculous.
A hybrid of western and eastern thought (contradicting ideologies to begin with) is silly at best and leaves confusion and contradiction for all those who participate in it. Certainly they may feel better about themselves and hug a little bit more or walk around with peaceful little smiles but they will not have the answers. The poster itself proves my point that this philosophy is ridiculous and destructive. Freedom is symbolized by two goldfish jumping free of their water. Oh sweet freedom! They are no longer held in by the environment they've always lived in; they can experience a different world. Now, I'm no doctor but I know this much: when the fish are out of that water they will die very shortly! Sure they've broken lose, but they aren't free. They're about to suffocate. And that's the tragedy of modern philosophy.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Honesty (my mask is so tight i've become unable to breath)

we crack
or vases
proclaiming our cases
from pulpits
or dung heaps
as the city sleeps

eyes open, heart pounding, our screams are resounding

claiming serenity, pleading for pity, grasping for dignity, coming up empty

to replicated
our passions
convincing the masses
that we are alive

abandon pretension, disarm apprehension, reveal frustration, share celebration, a bold declaration, let each other in.